Uncommon Sense
The Podcast of the Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton, where we talk about everything under the sun with a Chestertonian perspective, as well as the writings and legacy of G.K. Chesterton himself. The podcast is hosted by Grettelyn Darkey and Joe Grabowski. Want to give us feedback? Email podcast@chesterton.org.
US#15-Christmas 2009 Merry Christmas to all Uncommon Sense listeners!
Christmas, being kind to difficult relatives and friends, books, Chesterton poetry.

Feedback Welcome uncommonsensepodcast@gmail.com


Direct download: US15.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:44pm EDT

US#14-Mark Shea Interview with Master Blogger Mark Shea, aka Innocent Smith in the upcoming movie: Manalive. We discuss the latest Gilbert magazine, the "Conference" issue, 13.2

Feedback welcome uncommonsensepodcast@gmail.com

Twitter @amchestertonsoc
FaceBook Fan Page: The American Chesterton Society

Direct download: US14.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:50am EDT

US#13-St. Paul's and the JDC Feedback Welcome! uncommonsensepodcast@gmail.com or call 206-337-9049 and leave voice feedback or questions or comments This show sponsored by The American Chesterton Society and by listeners like YOU. Thank you. Please visit us at http://chesterton.org If anyone wants to make me an album cover, I would love it! Web sites: http://www.amazon.com/Advent-Christmas-Wisdom-G-Chesterton/dp/0764816284/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1260368284&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.com/Tripods-Attack-Young-Chesterton-Chronicles/dp/1933184264/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1260368384&sr=1-1 http://www.amazon.com/Inconvenient-Adventures-Uncle-Chestnut/dp/0977223493/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1260368414&sr=1-1-spell http://www.manwhowasthursday.com/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Man-Who-Was-Thursday/176224609452?ref=ts http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p3s1c2a1.htm#1883 http://chesterton.org/acs/oddie.htm http://Chesterton.org http://www.gilbertmagazine.com http://americanchestertonsociety.blogspot.com @amchestertonsoc http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-American-Chesterton-Society/127651102300?created http://music.mevio.com
Direct download: US13.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:37pm EDT

US#12-The Man With the Golden Key Oddie Chapter One Book discussion of William Oddie's biography, The Romance of Orthodoxy, Chapter One-The Man with the Golden Key, Chesterton's father, Mr. Ed.
Thanks to Shaylynn for the cover art
How to keep conversations light
Web sites:
FaceBook Fan Page: The American Chesterton Society
Direct download: US12.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:21am EDT

US#11-Intro Romance of Orthodoxy Book discussion starting with the Introduction of William Oddie's biography, The Romance of Orthodoxy, and some Chestertonian news.
Web sites:
FaceBook Fan Page: The American Chesterton Society
Direct download: US11-Intro_to_Romance.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:29pm EDT

US#10-New Leaf Theater and The Man Who Was Thursday New Leaf Theater in Lincoln Park, IL puts on The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton and adapted by Bilal Dardai for a new audience. Tickets available until November 21, 2009.
I talk first with Jessica Hutchinson, the director of the play, and then with Deb Lillig, who attended the play to find out more about how this 100 year old play came to life.
Rochester, NY Re-awakening Wonder Conference CDs are available now at http://www.siministries.com/Store
Chesterton and the Romance of Orthodoxy by William Oddie available here http://chesterton.org/acs/oddie.htm


Web sites:
FaceBook Fan Page: The American Chesterton Society
Direct download: New_Leaf_Theater_TMWWT_1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:34am EDT

US#9-Victoria Darkey Interview Victoria Darkey recently attended the Re-Awakening Wonder conference in Rochester, NY sponsored by the Rochester Chesterton Society.
Vicky relates the highlights of the conference.
Vicky tells us how she came to start her own Chesterton Society in Western Pennsylvania.
Conference CDs are now available for only $25 at http://www.siministries.com/Store

FaceBook Fan Page: The American Chesterton Society

Tickets still available for The Man Who Was Thursday at New Leaf Theater: http://newleaftheatre.org/ now through November 21, 2009.

Direct download: US9_Victoria_Darkey_Interview_2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:23am EDT

US#8-Dale Ahlquist and Local Chesterton Societies Dale Ahlquist guest stars on Uncommon Sense this week and tells us how to have a great local Chesterton Society. The key ingredients seem to be food, fun, Chesterton, humility and humor. A working knowledge of Chesterton is helpful, but a willingness to learn is essential.

Links: http://chesterton.org

Facebook: The American Chesterton Society Fan Page
Twitter: @AmChestertonSoc
Direct download: US8-Dale_Ahlquist_and_Local_Chesterton_Societies_4.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:43pm EDT

US#7-Ted Olsen Eaten Alive Ted Olsen interview about Eaten Alive Conference held in Twin Cities. Cardinal George's new book-The Difference God Makes. Who will debate these modern atheists like Chesterton debated Clarence Darrow or GBShaw? ENDOW for Catholic women. ChesterTen news. Audio feedback: 206-337-9049 uncommonsensepodcast@gmail.com This show sponsored by the American Chesterton Society and by listeners like you. Web sites: chesterton.org americanchestertonsociety.blogspot.com @amchestertonsoc www.facebook.com/pages/The-American-Chesterton-Society http://music.mevio.com www.catholicnewworld.com doesgodexistdebate.blogspot.com If you like this show, please rate us on iTunes and/or write a review. Thank you.
Direct download: US7-Ted_Olsen_Interview.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:16am EDT

US#6-James O'Keefe Interview James O'Keefe interview-sting operation takes away federal funding for ACORN-Chicago Olympics-David Letterman-
James O'Keefe's favorite Chesterton books: Orthodoxy and What's Wrong With the World, favorite Chesterton quote: If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing badly. Advice to Chestertonians: use new media to respond to the corruption-if Chesterton were alive today, he'd be making youtube videos.
Listener feedback welcome: uncommonsensepodcast@gmail.com or call 206-337-9049
This show sponsored by The American Chesterton Society and by listeners like you. Please consider supporting the work by going to chesterton.org and clicking on JOIN or DONATE.

Twitter @amchestertonsoc
James O'Keefe:
Direct download: US6-James_OKeefe_Interview.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:58pm EDT

US#5-EWTN Israel Gow EWTN airs The Honour of Israel Gow -a G.K. Chesterton Father Brown mystery on Thursday October 15th 10pm EST.
Rod Bennett's house flooded, please pray. Kevin O'Brien interviewed for the next issue of Gilbert Magazine.
James O'Keefe takes down ACORN and confesses Chesterton is his homeboy.
Brazil creates a buzz by giving away free copies of ORTHODOXY.
Feedback welcome: 206-337-9049 or uncommonsensepodcast@gmail.com
Web sites:
Twitter @amchestertonsoc
EWTN can be viewed live on line in streaming video.
Direct download: US5-EWTN_Premiere_of_Israel_Gow.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:22am EDT

US#4-Chestertonian News ChesterTen, contender names for the podcast, the latest encyclical, subsidiarity, the Father Brown audio CDs with Kevin O'Brien, barbershop quartets and local Chesterton conferences.

If there's a topic you want to talk about, leave me feedback at uncommonsensepodcast@gmail.com or call 206-337-9049

This show sponsored by The American Chesterton Society. Please visit us and consider supporting this work at http://chesterton.org

Show Notes:
The Innocence of Father Brown audio CDs can be purchased at Chesterton.org
Father Roderick's Daily Breakfast podcast can be found at sqpn.com
The Ben Hatke-designed G.K. Chesterton Christmas ornament can be purchased at chesterton.org
Caritas en Veritate is available for download at the vatican.va web site and the audio download is available at Ignatius Press www.ignatius.com
Information about Peter Floriani's book on subsidiarity is at http://drthursdaysubsidiarity.blogspot.com

Web sites:
Twitter @amchestertonsoc
Direct download: US4-Chestertonian_News.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:29pm EDT

Why did this podcast start? What will this podcast be about? What can be new about a guy who's been dead over 70 years? We welcome feedback. Please call our audio feedback line at 206-337-9049 or write uncommonsensepodcast@gmail.com Tremendous Trifles is available at http://chesterton.org Life Magazine images are at http://images.google.com/hosted/life Websites: http://www.ewtn.com http://chesterton.org http://americanchestertonsociety.blogspot.com @amchestertonsoc http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-American-Chesterton-Society/127651102300?created http://www.musicalley.com http://www.thewordinc.org http://mrsnancybrown.blogspot.com http://uncommonsense.libsyn.com/rss If there's a topic you want to talk about, leave me some feedback. This show sponsored by The American Chesterton Society. Please visit us and consider supporting this work at http://chesterton.org/donate.html
Direct download: US3-Uncommon_Sense_Podcast.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:36am EDT

Surprise! Chesterton understands surprises and writes a play called "The Surprise." Show Notes: The Surprise is in the Ignatius Press Collected Works Volume 11 The Surprise--Adapted for TV, the DVD is available at chesterton.org Web sites: http://www.ewtn.com nttp://chesterton.org http://americanchestertonsociety.blogspot.com Twitter: @amchestertonsoc Face Book: The American Chesterton Society page http://www.musicalley.com http://uncommonsense.libsyn.com/rss If there's a topic you want to talk about, leave me some feedback at uncommonsensepodcast.gmail.com or call 206-337-9049 This show sponsored by The American Chesterton Society. Please visit us and consider supporting this work by becoming a member. This podcast supported by listeners like you. Thank you.

<a href="http://www.podcastalley.com/"> My Podcast Alley feed!</a> {pca-a2046b7b2c6b1e3779d2d949264e67e1}
Direct download: US2--UncommonSense_Podcast_2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:23pm EDT

US#1-Wondering about Chesterton Hello and a wonderful welcome to this preview podcast, where I introduce the wonder of Chesterton and show you what an amateur I really am at podcasting. Books mentioned:Manalive, The Man Who Was Thursday, Orthodoxy, The Everlasting Man, The Innocence of Father Brown, GK Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense Web sites: http://www.ewtn.com, http://Chesterton.org, http://americanchestertonsociety.blogspot.com, Twitter:@amchestertonsoc, FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-American-Chesterton-Society/127651102300?created If there's a topic you want to talk about, leave me some feedback at uncommonsensepodcast@gmail.com or call the audio feedback line 206-337-9049. http://uncommonsense.libsyn.com/rss This show sponsored by The American Chesterton Society. Please visit us and consider supporting this work at Chesterton.org
Direct download: Uncommon_Sense_1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:56pm EDT

Promo for the show
Direct download: Uncommon_Sense_Promo_Spot.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:16pm EDT