Uncommon Sense
The Podcast of the Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton, where we talk about everything under the sun with a Chestertonian perspective, as well as the writings and legacy of G.K. Chesterton himself. The podcast is hosted by Grettelyn Darkey and Joe Grabowski. Want to give us feedback? Email podcast@chesterton.org.

Dale Ahlquist was interviewed on Morning Air with Sean Herriott on Relevant Radio, May 32, 2012, talking about marriage, family and more.

Direct download: Morning_Air_WednsdayHR2_5_23_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:10pm EDT

Maggie Gallagher's Interview on Relevant Radio for Chesterton Academy Cultura Vitae Lecture

Maggie Gallagher was interviewed on Relevant Radio's City Winds program on Friday, May 18, 2012. Gallagher appeared on the program to promote her talk at Chesterton Academy's Culture Vitae Lecture on June 2nd.

Gallagher is a nationally syndicated columnist and the author of three books on marriage including The Case for Marriage: Why Married People are Happier, Healthier, and Better Off Financially with University of Chicago Prof. Linda Waite. Her forthcoming book, Debating Same-Sex Marriage (co-authored with Prof. John Corvino), will be published by Oxford University Press.

Gallagher is a co-founder and immediate past chairman of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). She has written for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, National Review and other media. She has been a syndicated columnist for fifteen years. Her academic essays have appeared in the Ave Maria Law Journal, the Notre Dame Journal of Law and Public Policy, the Northwestern Journal of Law and Public Policy, the Louisiana Law Journal, and elsewhere. She appears frequently on national media, including EWTN, ABC’s Nightline, CNN, Fox News, and NPR. She lives in the Washington D.C. area with her husband and family.

About Chesterton Academy and the Cultura Vitae Lecture
The result of a grass-roots movement of parents, Chesterton Academy is a pro-family, independent high school offering an integrated, college preparatory curriculum centered on the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. Focusing on the classics, the school develops complete thinkers who learn to draw on faith and reason for the purpose of building a culture of life.

The Cultura Vitae Lecture Series was established during Chesterton Academy’s inaugural academic year as an effort of the school to educate the greater community and to build what Pope John Paul II called “the culture of life.” The series is dedicated to bringing scholars and accomplished individuals to speak on a variety of issues that directly affect the protection of the human person, the family, and the building up of the common good. For more information on our past Cultura Vitae Lectures, visithttp://chestertonacademy.org/about/cultura-vitae-lecture.

Direct download: Maggie_Gallagher_City_Winds_May_2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:17pm EDT

Living Bread Radio presents LifeLine with Melinda Knight. Melinda's Guest on program #114 is American Chesterton Society President Dale Ahlquist. Mr. Ahlquist talks about Chesterton's views on life and more.

Permission to re-broadcast given by Dan Clark. Thank you Living Bread Radio.

Direct download: LifeLine_with_Dale_Ahlquist_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:12am EDT