Uncommon Sense
The Podcast of the Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton, where we talk about everything under the sun with a Chestertonian perspective, as well as the writings and legacy of G.K. Chesterton himself. The podcast is hosted by Grettelyn Darkey and Joe Grabowski. Want to give us feedback? Email podcast@chesterton.org.

In this episode of Uncommon Sense, Grettelyn and Albert share favorite Christmas stories and traditions from the staff at the Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Cozy up to this warm and memorable episode that will be sure to leave a smile on your face and fill your heart with the true meaning of Christmas!

Direct download: US_Christmas_Memories_Final_V2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

It’s a Chestertonian Christmas Carol! Joe Grabowski joins the show to lead us down the path of G.K. Chesterton’s take on Charles Dickens and his love of Christmas. It’s a very, merry episode with no Scrooges allowed. Tune in to this episode!


Direct download: US_Chesterton_Dickens_Final.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

We raise our glasses and enjoy a pint or two with David Bates, the host of the podcast dedicated to C.S. Lewis, Pints With Jack. We open the conversation about C.S. Lewis and ask the ultimate question, where does Chesterton fit in? All that and more on this episode!


Direct download: US_David_Bates_Final.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

This week on Uncommon Sense, Dr. Eric DeMeuse, a Chesterton Schools Network Academic Dean, returns to the show to talk about all things Chesterton Academy. We get his take on the importance of forming saints for a brighter future and how a classical education modeled after G.K. Chesterton plays a role in that formation. It will be a truly educational experience!


Direct download: US_Eric_DeMeuse_Fall2022_Final.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:00am EDT